Eating disorder most often occurs as a result of being on restrictive diets, in people who are emotionally and psychologically vulnerable, i.e. those working in the self-destruction of their own health, practicing holding irregular diet, taking untested dietary supplements and determining their own ideal weight, which is usually well below adequate.
The intensity of anorexia is different - from the reluctance (skinny) eating a real phobia of food. Depending on the age at which occurs anorexia distinguish newborn, toddler and anorexia anorexia adolescence. Emerging anorexia participate more etiological factors of biological, psychological, social and cultural. It is still a secret why, when all the conditions are met, some people develop anorexia, while others do not. It seems that they are critical factors that determine personality. The typical clinical picture begins to desire to be a bit weak, in order to reach the desired body weight and to certain parts of the body "dressed up" diet.
Eating disorders are a serious, sometimes life-threatening, multi-factorial disease with a tendency of creating a vicious circle that results in serious physical and mental deterioration of a person. People who suffer from this disorder, require professional help. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance for successful both physical and psychological healing. Prevention, on the other hand, implies that all segments of society to recognize the problem exists and that the joint work to ensure that these disorders do not come, and it involves the cooperation of family, school and health systems. The diet should consist in introducing healthy foods. If a person is eating pizza and hamburgers will surely gain weight or will lead to increased fat. A healthy and properly balanced meal will lead to weight gain which in addition to physical activity leads to improvement of the general condition of the patient and to the satisfaction of the reflection in the mirror.